Wednesday, September 14, 2011

a little about my life

So, I'm asked all the time "how do you do it?" "why do you do it?". Its real simple people...THIS IS MY PATH! This is what I chose in life and I will do it to the best of my ability. If i fall I will get back up and try again tomorrow. I am going to try to keep up with this as it seems to be the new 'thing' to do. Maybe not a single person will read this. But, if someone does I hope they can find encouragment, strength, hope, and the drive to not give up. Our troubles could help those after us. And I feel if I dont start saying my piece now...I never will and then I will be just another person walking this planet in silence. 

I am 26 years experienced. I have two amazingly beautiful daughters who both in their own way saved me. I am married to one of the most wonderful man I could have ever asked for. It has not been an easy 12 years together but it been worth every tear and laugh. I am also a proud mama to two 4 legged sons. One is named Gunner (my security) and he is an Akita and the other is Rocky (my comfort) who is my grey tabby. 

Im sure I will provide background on the many years of things we have gone through as I write this. There could also be days where I just rant...because I believe everybody should be able to just rant with no meaning...just get everything off their chest and out of their mind. 

So, now you know a little bit about me and I hope you stay tuned as you look through my window of life and I look back from the inside looking out.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. I just want you to know I am reading this :) Miss you chica! Maybe one day I'll start my own and you can read mine!
